@kalthehokage_2007 said:. before this chapter, i would have said madara, but i'll give itachi a chance. he's incredibly good, possibly better than dare i say it batman, at tactics, and is. Dec 25, 2019 itachi could have easily defeated madara as even kishimoto said in an interview that he had to kill itachi because if alive, itachi could have easily . For instance, itachi had the amaterasu in one masashi kishimoto itachi uchiha vs madara eye and the tsukuyomi in the other. surprisingly, in madara's case, the mangekyo sharingan ability simply never existed. if it did, kishimoto did a poor job of illustrating it in the story because it was never revealed to us.

Itachi Uchiha Wikipedia
In a one-on-one fight who would win, madara or itachi? quora.
Something i want to address about madara vs itachi fandom.
Aug 15, 2018 kishimoto yes, it is. masashi kishimoto itachi uchiha vs madara but, i mean that itachi is very powerful and itachi will defeat madara if itachi wants to. itachi is the strongest uchiha. how can he . Dec 25, 2019 · hashirama senju, aka the first hokage, was the only one who could ever beat madara uchiha in life. in death and resurrection, madara gained access to powers he could never gain in life. however, the first hokage did famously beat madara in a duel at the final valley and seemingly killed madara. Aug 30, 2018 and kishimoto is the one who wrote the manga so he himself says edo itachi >>> edo and this is from naruto chapter 585 right after edo madara vs 5 kages. 1.
Madara uchiha (japanese: うちは マダラ, hepburn: uchiha madara) is a fictional manga and anime character in the naruto series created by masashi kishimoto. he appears for the first time in "part ii" of the manga and the shippuden anime masashi kishimoto itachi uchiha vs madara adaptation, as a major villain. Oct 8, 2015 masashi kishimoto at new york comic con talks about favorite naruto moment favorite villain and much . Apr 6, 2017 in this video, me, swagkage and clyde go over the abilities and lore of both itachi and madara uchiha and determine who would win in a fight!. Dec 27, 2019 · for instance, itachi had the amaterasu in one eye and the tsukuyomi in the other. surprisingly, in madara's case, the mangekyo sharingan ability simply never existed. if it did, kishimoto did a poor job of illustrating it in the story because it was never revealed to us.
Naruto Kalau Itachi Melawan Madara Siapa Yang Akan Menang
See more videos for masashi kishimoto itachi uchiha vs madara. Aug 4, 2017 itachi uchiha is one of the most mysterious characters in naruto. masashi kishimoto (the creator of naruto) has confirmed that itachi was his favorite 3 itachi vs. the drug dealers kishimoto also said in the in. See more results.

Itachi uchiha is a fictional character in the naruto manga and anime series created by masashi kishimoto. "naruto mattel 3 inch series 2 mini figure 3pack itachi vs. sasuke hinata hyuga · orochimaru · jiraiya;. While itachi is powerful, he is no match for madara uchiha, who defeated the 5 kages himself. while itachi's susanoo contains the totsuka blade and a nearly invincible shield, madara has the perfect susanoo, which makes it a league of its own.
I don't think that's true. while itachi is powerful, he is no match for madara uchiha, who defeated the 5 kages himself. while itachi's susanoo contains the . Itachi vs madara : who would win? if what is rumoured everywhere that “masashi kishimoto killed itachi cause if he were to be alive he could easily defeat madara and the story wont be that intresting! ” then there is not even a need to thinks who could defeat whom…if the creator himself has said “he took itachi off the main plot or it’d be too easy to defeat madara” then there is. Hashirama senju, aka the first hokage, was the only one who could ever beat madara uchiha in life. in death and resurrection, madara gained access to powers he could never gain in life. however, the first hokage did famously beat madara in a duel at the final valley and seemingly killed madara.
Sebelum kita memulai, kita harus mengingat terlebih dahulu kalau sempat ada rumor masashi kishimoto itachi uchiha vs madara yang beredar tentang itachi vs madara. rumor tersebut mengatakan kalau itachi bisa mengalahkan madara dan yang mengatakan hal ini adalah masashi kishimoto. Jan 28, 2020 · sebelum kita memulai, kita harus mengingat terlebih dahulu kalau sempat ada rumor yang beredar tentang itachi vs madara. rumor tersebut mengatakan kalau itachi bisa mengalahkan madara dan yang mengatakan hal ini adalah masashi kishimoto. Madara is mikoto's brother ever since itachi was a child (and sasuke a baby) they haven't seen their uncle madara and therefore not recognize him. well i've talked enough now let's continue with the story ;d pairing: itachi uchiha x madara uchiha. warnings: yaoi (male x male), violence, rape, ooc-ness. disclaimer: masashi kishimoto owns.
So who has the better susanoo and who would win? the winner would be itachi’s susanoo. now i know i’m gonna get some really triggered people, saying madara has perfect susanoo and the statements like the dumb collapsed answer. Earlier today i was on a thread about madara vs itachi. itachi uchiha for most of the series was sick, going blind from ms and his stamina levels were appalling. an unforgivable bastardisation of kishimoto's work as you delibe.